Manual Touch Therapy as a Wholistic Approach

It support's the body’s ability to balance and reorganize naturally and easily.

Zero Balancing (ZB), A Gentle, Noninvasive Hands-on Therapy

Designed to simultaneously and consciously address the body’s arrangement and the relationship of its elements and energy as a whole. ZB focuses on the bones and joints of the body, offering significant improvement in structural alignment and sense of well being. It is received clothed and lying face up on a massage table.

Clinical Benefits of Zero Balancing

  • Improves articular balance and postural alignment in the skeletal system as a whole.
  • Decrease dysfunctional movement patterns by mobilizing areas of held tension.
  • Improves diaphragmatic breathing and joint mobility.
  • Promotes distal changes in the body from local touch and impacts the whole body.
  • Works within and gently increase the natural ROM.
  • Enables the non-verbal release of emotional and traumatic imprints in the body.
  • Reduces body pain and releases unresolved stress patterns.
  • Increases mind-body awareness and the ability to realize change.


What happens in a session?

Our therapists give attention to the bones directly, working with key joints and articular balance throughout the skeletal system. A special type of conscious touch called interface is used to clearly palpate and perceive how energy moves through the bones and how the body’s structure and energy can be aligned and balanced. Clear boundaries are maintained between the patient’s energy and structure and the therapist’s energy and structure. The therapist establishes an effective working relationship with each patient, with a deeper understanding of energy and movement within the structure of the body.