How many visits do I need?

The number of treatments is different for each patient. After a thorough assessment during your initial consultation and evaluation, your physical therapist will discuss their treatment plan for the rehabilitation process, the best follow-up time and frequency. In some cases, a shorter or longer session plan for your treatment may be necessary.

Treatment duration depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, and other factors.  Re-evaluations will be done to assess your progress, and your therapist may communicate with your physician to help you achieve your treatment goals.

Do I have to be referred by a doctor?

No, our physical therapists can assess and treat without referral by a doctor. However most health insurers require a doctor's referral before they authorize payment of fees, or some may only require a phone call.

What conditions does physical therapy treat?

Our physical therapists treat a wide range of conditions and diagnosis.  Please visit our Services for an extensive list of conditions and diagnosis we treat, as well as specialty treatments and procedures.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Please wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing for each treatment. If we are treating your feet you will not be asked to undress but if we are treating your spine, you will be comfortable with loose fit clothing, modest underwear or even a pair of shorts is appropriate.

What do I need to bring?

Be prepared to provide your previous medical or surgical history. If you have them and if they are relevant bring scan/MRI reports, and a list of medications.

How do I make an appointment?

You can get in touch by phone at 630.850.7901. Alternatively, use the quick and easy online booking request page.

How do I cancel or reschedule my appointment(s)?

Call our facility in which you go to for all your regular appointments. You may also call our administration office at (630) 850 7907

I’ve ventured across the country and internationally to learn from the best teachers in physical therapy and seek out the most innovative technologies to provide the highest quality treatments at PSI.  I offer four distinct physical therapy interventions:

  1. Specific Diagnosis – Setting me apart in physical therapy is my ability to pinpoint your primary pain source and/or dysfunctional tissue at fault usually within 3 visits. This is rare in physical therapy treatment.
  2. Large Toolbox – I incorporate over 20 different treatment paradigms ranging from using the force of a feather to a hammer or a needle. Precise technique sequencing is imperative for efficient positive outcomes. This is also rare in physical therapy treatment.
  3. Innovative Technology – I integrate the use of Laser Light Therapy (LLT) with PHYSIUM Technology.
    1. LLT is one of the most powerful non-invasive treatments to decrease inflammation in your tissues.
    2. PHYSIUM Technology –  Non-invasive treatment utilizing negative pressure for deep muscle decompression and deep fascia decompression. PHYSIUM is painless, bruise-less with long lasting effects.
    3. I am the only physical therapist in Illinois utilizing both of these technologies in tandem. 
  4. Specific Prognosis -  We can develop a judicious PT plan, considering your budget and incorporating a home exercise program.

A lot can be done with just 3 visits!

Top 10 Reasons to seek Expert Manual Physical Therapy Intervention

  1. Avoid surgery                       
  2. Avoid steroid injections
  3. Avoid long term use of pharmaceuticals / anti-inflammatories
  4. Exercise pain free / Increase Sports Performance
  5. Lift your child / grandchild pain free
  6. Maintain ability to ascend /  descend stairs safely
  7. Sit at your computer work station pain free
  8.  Wake up pain free
  9. Travel pain free
  10.  Avoid falls


I will be increasing my rates on November 16th, 2023.  

From October 1, 2023 through November 15, 2023 you can purchase packages at the OLD RATES. 
Clients buying 1 hour or 30 minute packages during this window will maintain the OLD RATES FOR LIFE. 
Visits from a package never expire and can be shared amongst friends and family.

Ask us a Question

Feel free to ask any physical therapy related questions, call us at (630) 850 7907, or send us your question using the form below and our staff will respond during business hours.