We are a boutique physical therapy practice

We are proud to offer a professional team approach to understand, diagnose and treat your pain or movement dysfunction. Offer personalized one-on-one care sessions by highly specialized clinicians. Learn More

We Accept Most Insurance Plans and Medicare

Client Testimonials

Our Best Kept Secrets

Personalized Accurate Sequencing Treatments
We develop the right treatment progression from over 20 modalities to help relax, strengthen, and heal muscles
Comfortable Facility
Our facility feels like a comfortable health & fitness center
Clinicians with a Passion for Lifelong Learning
Our clinicians are trained and certified in various therapeutic modalities.
Therapy Goals
Setting goals is the best way to enjoy a successful outcome

About Us

PSIPT is a team of highly trained therapists practicing the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily. We extensively evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your pain. This includes, but is not limited to, your work and home stressors, overall body condition, nutrition, genetic & postural habits, emotional connections and patterns that are held in your muscles. Most people live with pain because they think it is part of getting older or not painful enough to see a physical therapist. The reality is that physical therapy can help you move through life with confidence, balance, and strength.

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    Meet the Team

    Dr. Ivan Huergo MPT, DPT, MTC, MATcs

    Dr. Ivan Huergo MPT, DPT, MTC, MATcs

    Principal / Clinical Director

    My favorite patient is one that has lost hope in traditional physical therapy. Usually, they have been referred to me by multiple people and have decided to give PSI a try.

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    Chief Mascot

    You are not a nail… We are not a hammer

    Clinical Wellness Tips

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